We Are All Human
We Are All Human
Embracing Purpose: Christa Hardin, an Enneagram 7, Shares Her Inspiring Calling

Embracing Purpose: Christa Hardin, an Enneagram 7, Shares Her Inspiring Calling

As we continue in the life purpose/calling series, we are joined by former marriage and family therapist turned relationship coach, Christa Hardin, MA, who is also an author and podcaster of the hit show, the Enneagram and Marriage Podcast. Christa is an Enneagram Seven who enthusiastically encourages, bringing hope, peace, and compassion to couples as a relationship helper. She talks about how she identified her calling early on, steps she took to embrace and evolve the calling, where she is now, and what she plans to offer in the future. Join us for this fun chat if you’re on the journey to find your calling, are interested in the marriage work she is doing, are in search of marital support, or are just curious as to what we’re up to. There is something in this episode for everyone. She even manages to weave in several literary references as they were an integral part in her personal development and who she is today.

There are several ways to connect with Christa:


(Lots of freebies to start with)


(The Enneagram and Marriage Podcast)


(Christa's Instagram)


(The Enneagram in Marriage new book)


(The Overflowing Life workbook)

As always, thanks for listening!

We Are All Human
We Are All Human
The purpose of this podcast is to have deep, meaningful conversations with various people from all walks of life about their experiences so far, the lessons they’ve learned, and/or visions for the future. The main purpose of the pod is for the guest to feel heard and that their story matters. If the guest is me at times that I have a message to convey, then I am in the mood to share a little more of myself and what I’ve learned. I also want those listening to feel seen and that they are not alone. You matter, you are special and meant to be here.