We Are All Human
We Are All Human
Beekeeping with Larissa: Making Honey While Tending the Soul

Beekeeping with Larissa: Making Honey While Tending the Soul

In this episode we discuss the ancient art of beekeeping as it looks in the present day. To teach us, we have my older sister, Larissa, who has been partaking in the hobby for many years and recently a became certified beekeeper in South Carolina. We go into not only the basics of beekeeping, tools you need, how to get started, facts about bee biology, but deeper still into what beekeeping can do for your soul and mental health. We discuss how the practice can be used as one of the many therapeutics for PTSD and how it plays a role for Veterans and others who have experienced traumas in their lives.

There is something in this episode for everyone! If you're interested in beekeeping, now is a great time to delve into the episode and give yourself some background knowledge and motivation to get in gear before Spring. If you are into the Enneagram like many of my listeners are, Larissa is an Enneagram 8w9 (SP). You may relate and benefit on hearing how a nature-based solitary activity can help with self-regulation when you're out of alignment and not feeling like yourself. If you're a veteran, you might click on the link below to find out how to get in touch with a local chapter of Heroes to Hives.

Connect with Larissa and if you're local grab some honey:

More info on Heroes to Hives program we mentioned. It's a collaborative program that addresses the personal and financial wellness of veterans through professional training in beekeeping. Find them on Instagram:

We Are All Human
We Are All Human
The purpose of this podcast is to have deep, meaningful conversations with various people from all walks of life about their experiences so far, the lessons they’ve learned, and/or visions for the future. The main purpose of the pod is for the guest to feel heard and that their story matters. If the guest is me at times that I have a message to convey, then I am in the mood to share a little more of myself and what I’ve learned. I also want those listening to feel seen and that they are not alone. You matter, you are special and meant to be here.